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[Other resource使用AT89C2051的红处遥控窗帘

Description: 使用AT89C2051的红处遥控窗帘 作者:徐福成   本文介绍一款使用微电脑管理的、红外遥控器控制的多功能窗帘控制器。该窗帘控制器采用 89C2051 单片机的最小系统设计,控制一个 220V 的可逆、变速电动机控制窗帘的拉开和关闭。   窗帘控制器可以使用红外遥控器进行远程手动开、手动关和手动停控制;可以执行事先输入的开启时间和关闭时间进行时间控制;还可以根据室外环境亮度实现环境亮度光控。三种工作方式可以方便地进行选择,当选择时间控制的方案时,数码管还能显示当时小时和分钟时间,不过时间数据只能顺序显示,显示一遍后,略等片刻再显示下一遍时间。另外、电机拉动窗帘的工作的时间长度,电机工作的时候是否有鸣响提示,以及光控状态下环境亮度的控制参数的调整等等都可以通过遥控器进行设置。-use of the red remote control curtain Department Author : Xu cost of introducing the new management of the use of microcomputer, infrared remote control of the multi-function controller curtains. The curtain controller 89C2051 the minimum system design, control of a 220V reversible, variable speed motor control and opened the curtains closed. Curtain controller can use infrared remote control for remote manual open, manual clearance and stopped manually control; Input can be implemented prior to the opening time and the closing time to time control; Also under the outdoor environment can achieve environmental brightness optical brightness control. Three methods of work can easily choose when to choose the time control of the program, the digital control can then shows hours and minutes of
Platform: | Size: 7566 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVNC

Description: 远程控制的经典之作VNC,Virtual Net Computer,这可是有源程序的阿,绝对不容错过!-VNC(Virtual Net Computer) is the classical product in remote control.Here we have the source code and you can never miss it!!!
Platform: | Size: 669982 | Author: 李健 | Hits:

[Remote Controlcca

Description: CCA,是一个集群计算机控制的软件,如果您想在一台电脑上通过远程控制管理其他数十台电脑,那么这个软件将适合您。程序分客户端和服务器端两部分。界面类mac。-CCA, is a cluster computer control software, if you want to a computer through remote control and management of the dozens of other computers, then the software will be appropriate for you. Procedure client and server-side two parts. Mac interface category.
Platform: | Size: 2317276 | Author: 赵明 | Hits:


Description: 一个实用的远程监控程序,可能用于学习相关的远程控制的做法-a practical remote monitoring procedures, which may be used to study the remote control practices
Platform: | Size: 3332637 | Author: 姓名 | Hits:


Description: 一个专门用于VOD视频点播系统基于PS/2遥控器或面板的键值测试程序-devoted to a VOD system based on the PS / 2 remote control panel keys or test procedures
Platform: | Size: 572069 | Author: 孙贤 | Hits:

[Other resourcegmt203

Description: 完整功放的控制程序,里面包括VFD,控制面板,音量控制,音效控制,红外遥控等功能-complete PA control procedures, including inside VFD, control panels, volume control, audio control, infrared remote control functions
Platform: | Size: 880099 | Author: 核桃 | Hits:


Description: 软件名称: vnc 3.3.7 winsrc 软件语言: 简体中文 软件类型: C++源代码 / 网络编程 运行环境: C++环境 软件大小: 548 k 软件简介: VNC 远程控制源代码 -software title : VNC 3.3.7 winsrc software languages : English software types : C source code / Network Programming operating environment : C environment software Size : 548 k software description : VNC remote control source code
Platform: | Size: 561091 | Author: 韦小宝 | Hits:

[Driver Develop复件 显示器亮度调节软件

Description: 计算机远程监控,可以对局域网内的所有计算机进行远程控制,能进行锁定,开关机,进程控制,发送消息,发送控制台命令。-Computer remote monitoring. Remote Control to all computers in the LAN, lock up, power on/off, procedure control, sending message and console command.
Platform: | Size: 116224 | Author: 和上面 | Hits:

[Remote ControlWindows2000-XP服务级后门程序(源码)

Description: Windows2000-XP服务级后门远程控制程序源码-Windows-XP service-level backdoor remote control procedures FOSS
Platform: | Size: 5086 | Author: none | Hits:

[Other resource红外线

Description: 红外摇控新手不可多得的资料 PIC,汇编语言写成,摇控芯片为:HT6222等-infrared remote control novice rare PIC information, the compilation of language, the remote control chips : HT6222, etc.
Platform: | Size: 3121 | Author: 刘工 | Hits:

[Other resource红外

Description: 带遥控的液晶显示程序,液晶是1602,遥控器是普通的电视机遥控器-with remote LCD display program, LCD is 1602, the remote control was an ordinary TV remote control
Platform: | Size: 27008 | Author: 梁江 | Hits:

[assembly language红外遥控六足爬虫机器人设计

Description: 红外遥控六足爬虫机器人设计.有详细的文档,包括电路图和代码-design for infrared remote control to robots with six legs ,which has detail text including circuit and code
Platform: | Size: 378967 | Author: 辛万江 | Hits:

[Other resource遥控车

Description: 单片机51控制的红外线遥控小车(原创),使用普通电视机遥控器遥控。含详细DOC说明文件和程序。-infrared remote control car (original), the use of ordinary TV remote control. DOC with detailed documentation and procedures.
Platform: | Size: 60200 | Author: 王磊 | Hits:

[Other resource远程控制系统

Description: 基于电话网的远程控制系统,带语音,原创优秀毕业设计,带全部文档,程序,实物图片。-telephone network based on the remote control system with voice, originality outstanding graduate design, with all the files, programs, in-kind photographs.
Platform: | Size: 641727 | Author: smartter | Hits:

[Other resourcec驱动

Description: ts1620液晶的驱动 24c02 红外遥控器 1302的驱动-ts1620 LCD driver 24c02 1302 infrared remote control drive
Platform: | Size: 4490 | Author: 小猫 | Hits:

[Other resourceRedcode4

Description: 红外遥控器7461的接收程序 其中有显示和键盘驱动-7461 infrared remote control receiver procedures which display and keyboard
Platform: | Size: 1004 | Author: 小猫 | Hits:

[Other resourceRedcode2

Description: 红外遥控器的接收程序的另一个版本,其中的显示驱动不同-infrared remote control procedures for the reception of the second version, which shows the different drives
Platform: | Size: 1637 | Author: 小猫 | Hits:

[Other resource8052web_ok

Description: 用8051做的WEB SERVER,用KEIL_C編譯,可以遠端控制其IO腳。-do with the 8051 WEB SERVER, with KEIL_C compiler, remote control of its IO feet.
Platform: | Size: 137561 | Author: 李文昌 | Hits:


Description: 电力系统智能测量与控制装置的远程控制通信软件源码,该程序满足了工程应用对通信可靠性的要求,是值得学习与参考的实际工程范例。-power system intelligent measurement and control devices to the remote control and communication software source code, the program met the application of communications reliability requirements that are worth learning and reference of the actual project examples.
Platform: | Size: 56576 | Author: 黄先生 | Hits:

[Remote ControlPCRemote

Description: 高质量的远程控制 他是一种点对点的控制,是很好的学习远程编写的原代码-high-quality remote control he is a point-to-point control, is a very good study prepared by the original remote code
Platform: | Size: 305480 | Author: kb | Hits:
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